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Built with 💜 by Amine Aouragh

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The endless scrolling is OVER!!!

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No more choice fatigue

If you have no idea what to watch the Random 1-Click recommendation can pick for you.

"I think it's a really great idea! I like how it just shows you one possible option, definitely helps my indecisiveness"

Testimonial Person Picture

Lucy Mac

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Personalized Recommendations you'll enjoy

You select the type, the genre AND the streaming service

The control, the choice and the decision are YOURS.

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"I always loved watching movies since I was a kid."

Finding Nemo, Toy Story and Spider Man had a really huge impact on my childhood. Those made me LOVE watching movies. MovyDick started as a very tiny experimentation around TMDb API. I wanted to build a quick MVP around movies & shows. It was supposed to be a very tiny application but my friends pushed me to do what I NEVER EVER thought I could do. Launch a side project and keep making it grow one step at a time. To all those friends I say "YOU LAUNCHED THIS WITH ME"

My Picture
Amine Aouragh
Developer of MovyDick


What some nice people have said about MovyDick 😊
